Worship Pattern
Sunday Services during the parish vacancy as follows:-
10.30am 1st and 3rd Sunday – The Holy Eucharist is celebrated.
10.30am 2nd and 4th Sunday – We have a Service of the Word.
On Wednesdays, at 10.00 am, a Holy Communion service is held in the Lady Chapel.
There may be an occasional Service of the Word during holiday time or in the event of illness.
Prayers – Live streamed audio only – Sunday to Thursday via Facebook
Matins – 8.30 am via stmichaelsgrimsby
Vespers – 5.00 pm via StNicolasGreatCoates
Compline – 9.00 pm via stgeorgesbradley
One-off Festival Services are held throughout the year, details of these will be in our Monthly Pew Sheet or enquiries may be made via a priest or churchwarden.
Open Church each Saturday 10.00 am until 12.00 noon
The Lady Chapel is available for private prayer.
During these hours the Parish Office is open to enquire about, or to book, weddings and baptisms.
Relaxation Afternoons
These give the occasional opportunity to relax and reflect in a peaceful, non-threatening environment.
Guided Reflection Afternoons
These occasional sessions take a theme and from a Christian perspective guide your thoughts in contemplation.
These afternoons would be especially useful for those looking for a gentle way into the concepts of Christianity.
Bible Fellowship
Held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 7.30 pm at St Michaels Church.
Contact Joan Hackfath – 01472 873851