Baptism at St. Michael’s

We believe your child is precious to God, just as they’re precious to you! We’d love to help you celebrate that with a christening (or baptism – they mean the same thing) in church.

Everyone is welcome to have their children baptised in their parish church. During the service your child will be baptised and with the support of the church, you and Godparents, your child begins an amazing journey of faith.
If you live in our parish, you are welcome to enquire about being baptised at St. Michael’s.
Baptism services are usually held at 2.30 and 3.30 on the first and third Sunday in the month.
At each service we try to only have one family at a time, as this makes it a very special service to you.

If you are exploring baptism as an adult click here

For further advice: Come to our Parish Office which is open every Saturday between 10 & 12 in St Michael’s Church, Great Coates Road, Little Coates DN34 4ND and we’ll be happy to help with your enquiries and bookings.

For URGENT matters please contact our Church Warden Joan Hackfath email

Questions people ask about Godparents

How  many Godparents do we need?

Most people choose three Godparents – two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite sex.
The Godparents need to have been baptised themselves.
There is nothing to stop you having more than three if you want. Only two are needed.
One or both parents (if baptised) can be Godparents to their own child, in which case only one further Godparent is needed.
You might like to think which of your friends is most likely to want to keep the promises which Godparents make – that they will pray for their Godchild, set them an example of Christian living, and help them take their place within the life and worship of the church.

Why do Godparents need to have been baptised themselves?

The first people to be baptised were all adults. It was a huge step to take. They often faced persecution and even death for becoming Christians.
The Baptism of babies is always in a Christian context. This is why Godparents who present children for Baptism need to have been baptised themselves. It is also why they make promises about Christian faith on behalf of their Godchild.

One of the Godparents we have chosen has not been baptised. Can he or she be baptised quickly and then be a Godparent?

The Baptism of an adult only really makes sense when the adult is someone who is seriously exploring commitment to the Christian church. We would normally prepare a new adult Christian over a period of time before they are baptised. Usually we would prepare them to confirm their faith at the same time. Adult Baptism is not something which can be done quickly.

If they live in this parish, they are welcome to ask about our short Enquirers’ Groups for those who want to find out more without making any commitment. We can also tell you when our next preparation course for Confirmation is planned. If they live in another parish, they can go along to their local church and then see whether preparing for Baptism is appropriate for them there.

But we are sorry that this usually means that they cannot become a godparent at short notice.

Our friend really wants to be a special person in the life of our child, but is not baptised. Is there anything else we can do?

From time to time we have added prayers at the end of a Baptism service for those who are not parents or religious Godparents but who are going to play a special part in their lives. We can use the names of specific people at this point in the service so that they are fully included in the service without making any promises.

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